Governance Committee

To ensure the quality and future viability of the RLI Board of Directors by continually reviewing governance practices and recruiting and reviewing potential candidates for open seats on the RLI Board of Directors.
Responsibilities & Functions
- Reviews bylaws and Governance Policy Manual as needed and makes recommendations to the full board.
Board Leadership Selection
- Educate potential board candidates on details and specifics of board service
- Reviews applications for Vice-President and At-Large Director candidates to ensure they meet the minimum criteria to run for the position
- Works to identify potential candidates and explore their interests and availability for board service.
- Presents full slate of candidates to Board for approval
A maximum of seven members including the Immediate Past President, who shall serve as the Chair, and six other members, who must have served previously as either a Past RLI National President or a past Chair of a committee at the RLI national level.
Terms: Two year staggered terms. Committee members may not serve more than two consecutive terms.