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APEX 2018 Award Winners

The REALTORS® Land Institute, an affiliate of the National Association of REALTORS®, is proud to announce the winners of its 2018 APEX Awards Program, sponsored by The Land Report. The APEX Awards Program is designed to recognize the excellence and performance of the best in the business by distinguishing agents with these prestigious production-based awards. All winners were announced by RLI CEO Aubrie Kobernus as well as The Land Report’s Co-founders Eddie Lee Rider Jr. and Eric O’Keefe at a special awards ceremony on Tuesday, March 5, during RLI’s 2019 National Land Conference (NLC19) in Albuquerque, NM.

The APEX Awards Program celebrated its second year by doubling in size with 100 applicants totaling a combined $2.3+ billion in qualifying transaction volume. For more information on the award winners, make sure to get a copy of The Land Report, one of the industry’s leading magazines for landowners and land professionals, which will be publicizing winners in their upcoming Spring 2019 issue. All land real estate professionals are invited to join RLI and apply to the prestigious APEX Awards Program next year.

  • APEX 2018 Top Producer Award

    The APEX Top National Producer Award is the most coveted and prestigious award recognizing the applicant with the highest qualifying transaction volume.

    Dean Saunders, ALC

    Saunders Real Estate | FL

  • APEX 2018 Wrangler Award

    The APEX Wrangler Award goes to the applicant with the largest number of land transaction sides closed during the year.

    Geoff Hurdle, ALC

    Hurdle Land & Realty | TN

APEX 2018 National Broker of the Year

RLI is also proud to recognize the accomplishments of the APEX National Broker of The Year recipients in each of the following eight distinct land categories. 

  • Ag Land Sales Crops

    Ray Brownfield, ALC

    Land Pro, LLC | IL

  • Ag Land Sales Ranches

    Dean Saunders, ALC

    Saunders Real Estate | FL

  • Commercial Land Sales

    Eric Frickle, ALC

    Eric Conrad Frickle Commercial Realty | CA

  • Residential Land Sales

    Marty Domres, ALC

    Domres Real Estate Investments | FL

  • Recreational Land Sales

    Kasey Mock

    Keller Williams Land | TX

  • Timber Land Sales

    Chandler Graham

    Larson & McGowan Properties | AL

  • Auction Land Sales

    Steve Bruere

    Peoples Company Of Indianola | IA

APEX 2018 ALC-to-ALC Networking Award

In recognition of the tremendous networking opportunities available to RLI Members, especially those that have earned the elite Accredited Land Consultant (ALC) Designation, the APEX Awards also features two ALC-to-ALC Networking Awards:

  • Largest ALC-to-ALC Transaction – Dean Saunders, ALC, Coldwell Banker Commercial Saunders Real Estate, Fla; Ben Crosby, ALC, Crosby & Associates, Fla.; and Murray Wise, ALC, Murray Wise Associates, LLC, Ill.
  • Largest ALC-to-ALC Referral – Minor Taylor, ALC, Taylor Land Investments, Texas, to Ray Brownfield, ALC, Land Pro, LLC, Ill., and John Moss, ALC, The Loranda Group, Inc., Ill.

APEX 2018 Top Twenty National Producers

  • Ray Brownfield, ALC, Land Pro LLC., Oswego, IL
  • Steve Bruere, Peoples Company Of Indianola, Indianola, IA
  • Matt Davis, Cushman & Wakefield, San Diego, CA
  • Marty Domres, ALC, Domres Real Estate Investments, Riverview, FL
  • Bill Eshenbaugh, ALC, Eshenbaugh Land Company, Tampa, F
  • Andy Flack, ALC, Homeland Properties, Huntsville, TX
  • Eric Frickle, ALC, Eric Conrad Frickle Commercial Realty, Corona, CA
  • Chandler Graham, Larson & McGowin Properties LLC, Mountain Brook, AL
  • Walter Hatchett, ALC, Jon Kohler and Associates, Bainbridge, GA
  • Dave Klein, ALC, First Mid Ag Services, Bloomington, IL
  • Troy Louwagie, ALC, Hertz Real Estate Services, Mt. Vernon, IA
  • Kasey Mock, The Mock Ranches Group and Keller Williams Realty, Austin, TX
  • Robb Nelson, Mirr Ranch Group, Denver, CO
  • Todd Renfrew, ALC, California Outdoor Properties, Inc., Vacaville, CA
  • Frank Roberts, ALC, RE/MAX Landmark, Terrell, TX
  • William Rollins, ALC, Land Solutions, Inc., Fort Myers, FL
  • Ryan Sampson, ALC, Eshenbaugh Land Company, Tampa, FL
  • Dean Saunders, ALC, Coldwell Banker Commercial Saunders Real Estate, Lakeland, FL
  • Sheldon Snyder, ALC, Clift Land Brokers, Dalhart, TX
  • Chuck Wingert, ALC, Wingert Realty and Land, Mankato, MN

APEX 2018 Producers Club

All applicants with at least $4 million of qualifying dollar production volume in closed land sales are recognized as part of the RLI APEX Producers Club.

Eric Andrews, ALC, Realty World Carolina Properties
Brian Andrus, ALC, Stonebridge Real Estate Company
Matt Armstrong, Chisum Realty and Auction
Drew Ary, ALC, KW Ary Land and Home
Daran Becker, Peoples Company
Rick Bourne, Southeastern Land Group
Sam Bowers, ALC, Bowers and Burns Real Estate
Ray Brownfield, ALC, Land Pro LLC
Steve Bruere, Peoples Company
Jared Chambers, Peoples Company
Matthew Clarahan, Hertz Real Estate Services
George Clift, ALC, Clift Land Brokers
Matt Conser, ALC, Conser Realty and Associates
Mark Crews, ALC, Florida & Georgia Inland Realty
Bill Davis, ALC, KW Foothills Realty
Matthew Davis, Cushman & Wakefield
Cal Dickson, ALC, Hertz Real Estate Services
Marty Domres, ALC, Domres Real Estate Investments
Devin Dye, Ron Spencer Real Estate
Bill Eshenbaugh, ALC, Eshenbaugh Land Company
Andy Flack, ALC, Homeland Properties
Bradford Fletcher, SIOR, Newmark Knight Frank
Clint Flowers, ALC, National Land Realty
Wendy Forthun, ALC, 1 Stop Realty
Eric Frickle, ALC, Eric Conrad Frickle Commercial Realty
Christine George, Deitra Robertson Real Estate, Inc
Virgil George, ALC, United Country - Rocking X Land Company
Matt Glander, Whitetail Properties
Greg Good, Clift Land Brokers
Jonathan Goode, ALC, Southeastern Land Group
Chandler Graham, Larson and McGowin Properties
Kyle Hansen, ALC, Hertz Real Estate Services
Suzanne Haslup, ALC, Meybohm Real Estate
Walter Hatchett, ALC, Jon Kohler and Associates
Jeff Heil, ALC, Whitetail Properties
Scott Henrichsen, Hertz Real Estate Services
Kenny Herring, ALC, Peoples Company
Ryan Hostetler, ALC, AgProfessionals
Marv Huntrods, ALC, Hertz Real Estate Service
Geoff Hurdle, ALC, Hurdle Land and Realty
Darrell Hylen, ALC, Wingert Realty and Land
Chad Kies, Hertz Real Estate Services
Dave Klein, ALC, First Mid Ag Services
John Knipe, ALC, Knipe Land Company
Michael Krause, ALC, Hertz Real Estate Services
Zurick Labrier, ALC, Mason and Morse Ranch Group
Eric Leisy, ALC, Great Southern Land Co.
Stan Lierz, ALC, Hertz Real Estate Services
Eric Lonnevik, Peoples Company
Troy Louwagie, ALC, Hertz Real Estate Services

Rusty Lowe, ALC, Century 21 Harvey Properties
Tyler McConnell, ALC, Comey & Shepherd, REALTORS-Southern Ohio Properties
Clay McCullar, ALC, KW Land, McCullar Properties
Caleb McDow, ALC, Crosby and Associates
Chris Miller, ALC, American Forest Management
Kasey Mock, Mock Ranches at Keller Williams
Jeff Moon, Agwest Land Brokers
Dan Murphy, M4 Ranch Group
Michael Murphy, M4 Ranch Group
Robb Nelson, Mirr Ranch Group
Justin Osborn, ALC, The Wells Group
Calvin Perryman, ALC, Great Southern Land Co.
Robert Pfister, ALC, Pfister Land Company
Clayton Pilgrim, ALC, Century 21 Harvey Properties
Todd Renfrew, ALC, California Outdoor Properties, Inc.
Frank Roberts, ALC, RE/MAX Landmark
Deitra Robertson, ALC, Deitra Robertson Real Estate, Inc
William Rollins, ALC, Land Solutions, Inc.
Ryan Sampson, ALC, Eshenbaugh Land Company
Dean Saunders, ALC, Coldwell Banker Commercial Saunders Real Estate
Chris Smith, ALC, Hertz Real Estate Services
Danny Smith, ALC, Smith and Smith Realty
Tom Smith, ALC, Tom Smith Land and Homes
Travis Smock, Peoples Company
Sheldon Snyder, ALC, Clift Land Brokers
Jeramy Stephens, ALC, National Land Realty
Winnie Stortzum, ALC, Farmers National Company
Michael Strahan, ALC, Eshenbaugh Land Company
Kirk Swenson, 1 Stop Realty
Rick Taylor, ALC, Mossy Oak Properties Forest Investments, Inc.
Minor Taylor, ALC, Taylor Land Investments
Reid Thompson, Hertz Real Estate Services
Michael Turner, Whitetail Properties
Eric Turpen, Clift Land Brokers
Randall Upchurch, Southeastern Land Group
Matt Vegter, Hertz Real Estate Services
Jim Vidamour, ALC, Fay Ranches, Inc.
Russell Walters, Southeastern Land Group
Kirk Weih, ALC, Hertz Real Estate Services
Ben Wellons, Wellons Real Estate
Eric Wilkinson, Hertz Real Estate Services
Chuck Wingert, ALC, Wingert Realty and Land
Jim Wirth, ALC, TRI Commercial Real Estate Services, Inc.
Tucker Wood, Farmers National Company
Luke Worrell, ALC, Worrell Land Services
Doug Yegge, Peoples Company
Jim Zeller, KW Commercial Midwest
Andrew Zellmer, Peoples Company
Jason Ziegler, ALC, Whitetail Properties
Garrett Zoller, ALC,