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RLI Cost Comparisons

Cost of RLI Membership & Offerings

These are cost comparisons for RLI members vs. non-members for the most common fees and costs for RLI membership and offerings. For pricing and travel costs for RLI live events, such as the National Land Conference, the ALC Retreat, LANDU Education Bootcamp, and LANDU Education Mini-Bootcamp, please visit the individual event pages.

Membership Annual Fee One Time Application Fee
Institute Membership $445 $125
Associate & International Membership $195 $95
ALC Membership $445
Military Transition Program (MTP) Membership $445
Non-Producing Membership $75
Associate Reinstatement Fee $95
Reinstatement Fee (Institute and International) $125
ALC Reinstatement Fee $425
LANDU Offerings Member Cost Non-Member Cost ALC Cost
Webinars No Cost $25 No Cost
Member-Only Virtual Roundtables No Cost Not Available No Cost
RLI National Courses except Land Investment Analysis (VILT(Virtual), Bootcamp & Mini-Bootcamp) $535 $735 $268
Land Investment Analysis (VILT, Bootcamp & Mini-Bootcamp) $750 $950 $375
Land 101 Independent Study Course $355 $455 $178
Chapter Courses (Prices determined by Chapter)
ALC Designation Costs Member Cost Non-Member Cost
6 National LANDU Courses, including Land Investment Analysis* $3,425 $4,625
ALC Final Exam Prep Course (Optional) $99 $149
ALC Final Exam $100 $150
ALC Application Fee (only members may hold the ALC) $350 $450
Other Costs Member Cost Non-Member Cost ALC Cost
APEX Application Fee $150 Not Applicable $150

* These costs could change if electing to take LANDU courses toward the ALC designation in-person at an RLI state or regional Chapter.

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