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Other Issues Impacting Land

As technology progresses and markets shift, new issues that impact real estate and our members emerge such as the use of drones and artificial intelligence. Other issues are long standing topics impacing land such as zoning and permitting, and legislation like Farm Bill which impacts farmers and our nation's food security.

Current News on Other Issues

The Farm Bill

The Farm Bill has a profound impact on farmers, national security, nutrition, and the environment. The Farm Bill is currently on an extension. To understand more about the importance of renewing the Farm Bill, read the article Farm Bill Renewal is Critical to Nation's Food Supply, Nutrition, and Rural Communities by Zippy Duvall, President of the American Farm Bureau Federation. Originally published in the Winter 2023 issue of Terra Firma Magazine. 

Using Drones for Commercial Purposes is a Reality
The FAA small drone rule became effective August 29, 2016 and regulates how drones are integrated into the national airspace. The rule is a positive step forward in helping RLI members use drones in their businesses. More information.