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Renewable Energy & Carbon

Get insight on renewable energy & carbon trends from industry experts at our partner LandGate.

Archive by category: WindReturn
You may be looking to make additional income from your land on a renewable energy lease, but how do you know if your parcel has met land requirements for a wind farm? Landowners often wonder if their land qualifies for a wind lease. Here are some must-haves if you want to put wind turbines on your land, as well as factors that make the land more attractive to energy investors.
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Many landowners are interested in earning extra income off their land with a solar lease or wind lease. Like many, you want a better understanding of what life on your property will look like during the energy lease period. Will you be able to use your land?
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For most people, it’s no surprise that Texas leads the nation in oil and gas production. According to LandGate’s data, Texas produced 1.8 million barrels of oil in 2022, where the second state, North Dakota, produced a quarter of that. All of the other states combined have less oil and gas production than Texas alone.
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“Carbon neutral” and “net zero goals” are often thrown around in conversations about energy, but what does it actually mean for the lands of America? How many acres will be required for  each state to achieve zero-carbon emission?
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There are quite a few ways to be paid when you lease your land for wind turbines. Across the country, deal terms vary. Learn more about the types of payments and returns a landowner can expect.
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LandGate provides your potential dividend for a wind farm. It is a valuation of your property’s worth in wind resources. To see your potential dividend, you can simply claim ownership of your property on a LandGate map.
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