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19 Reasons Not to Miss NLC19

We’re getting ready for the most wonderful time of the year! At the time of publication, National Land Conference is 157 days away, but here at RLI Headquarters, we’re already excited! Last year, we wrote the Top Eleven Reasons to Attend the NLC18. This year, we’re counting up the top nineteen reasons to attend NLC19.

1: It's RLI's 75th Anniversary in 2019!

From our humble beginnings at the tail end of World War II to the Chicago 60 and from twelve name changes and eight different logos, there’s never been a dull moment for the REALTORS® Land Institute. At NLC19, we’ll look back at 75 years of how far we’ve come and our vision for the next 75 years. Keep reading to see what we have planned for our big NLC19 Welcome Reception!

2: Early Bird Discounts

The early bird catches the worm. Everyone, from ALCs to non-members can benefit if they register early! ALCs and RLI Members will save $100 for registering before December 1, and non-members will save $125! Be sure not to wait until February to avoid the price increase.

3: Discounts for RLI Members and ALCs

You already know that being a member of RLI or an Accredited Land Consultant (ALC) comes with lots of amazing benefits. But did you know that you also get discounts on registration?  Standard registration for ALCs is $750, while members pay $800. You can save even more money if you take advantage of the early bird prices!

Psst:  Not yet a member of RLI? Join RLI before registering for NLC and we'll take 25% off your NLC19 registration rate.

4: The Networking Event Of The Year

The annual National Land Conference is the premier networking event in the land industry. You can meet hundreds of other dedicated land professionals, re-connect with old friends, and make connections from around the country that will provide value long after the event ends.

5: Our Partners

NLC19 wouldn’t be possible without our amazing partnersUnited Country Real EstateThe Land ReportFarmers National CompanyFarm and Ranch MagazineLandHub, and Peoples Company all have great services for land experts and have already committed to being partners at NLC19. We had a record-setting 30+ partners at last year’s event and expect more at NLC19. You’ll be able to check out the latest technologies and services available to help you be more efficient, more effective, and more competitive. If that peaks your interest, read on because we have a whole session dedicated to unveiling the latest and greatest tech companies in the land industry at NLC19.

6: The Beautiful Location

This year’s conference will be held at the magnificent Tamaya Resort in Albuquerque, New Mexico. This location is steeped in the rich history of the Tamayame people, which makes it the perfect spot to celebrate and reflect on our own history. Checking out the amazing photos of this luxury resort will have you picking up the phone to make your reservation.

7: Let’s Make Deal$ LIVE!

This ever-popular Let’s Make Deal$ LIVE property marketing event will be back for NLC19! Present your properties to over 200 agents from across the country. It’s the largest opportunity in the land industry to market and discover great properties on a national stage. Be sure to let your clients know that you’ll be presenting their properties to this massive national audience of land agents with potential buyers --  talk about value your competitors can't provide!

8: RLI Apex Awards Program

Sponsored by The Land Report, the RLI APEX Awards Program celebrates the best of the best. Awards are given to agents with the highest qualifying volume in each land segment, the highest number of transactions, and the overall Top National Producer.

Need another reason to apply to the program? Through our partnership with The Land Report, our APEX Award Winners get national exposure year-round. Check out these great perks:

  • Featured in a two-part spread for The Land Report’s 2019 Spring Magazine
  • Featured in a PRNewswire national press release with Times Square photo, shot of the magazine cover, and RLI APEX Awards Winners in a picture caption
  • A full-page spread in The Land Report’s April Newsletter (which goes out to 70,000+ subscribers!)
  • And more!

Applications will be open in early January 2019. Last year, we saw over $1B in qualifying transaction volume from just 50 applicants – talk about the best of the best. Let’s see how many we can get this year!

9: Expert Speakers on Hot Topics

NLC is an event that always brings in great industry speakers, and this year is no different. Steve Apfelbaum, Principal Ecologist and Chairman of Applied Ecological Services Inc, will be talking about the keys to developing and implementing land-restoration programs.

Brand expert Amber Hurdle will walk you through her number one secret to brand clarity in her interactive session.

10: Howdy Partner Happy Hour

Join us in the Exhibit Hall for light hors d’oeuvres and drinks at the Howdy Partner Happy Hour where we will be thanking our 2019 RLI Partners for making this conference possible. Get ready to mix and mingle with fellow attendees and — most importantly at this event — our valuable partners!

11: Land Technology Accelerator Program Showcase

This short but sweet session will be a hot spot as the 2019 Top New Technology Partners, as voted by our very own Future Leaders Committee, take the stage to showcase the latest technologies available in the land real estate industry. Don’t miss this opportunity to discover new services and technologies that can accelerate success for your company.

12: Reflections: RLI’s Welcome Reception

Kick off the conference with us at the Reflections: RLI 75th Anniversary Gala Welcome Reception! Enjoy light hors d’oeuvres, a bar to use your drink tickets at, and networking with fellow attendees at The Cottonwoods Pavilion for an upscale event honoring RLI’s story. Dress it up for an evening celebrating RLI’s 75th Anniversary by reflecting on where we came from and what has made our organization such a valuable place for land professionals over the past 75 years.

13: Amazing Sessions

Every year we get rave reviews on our breakout sessions. This year will be no different! Here is just a sample of the many great topics we're going to be covering in our breakout sessions:

  • Marijuana
  • Block Chain
  • Carbon Credits
  • Branding
  • and much more!

We'll be announcing more great speakers as we add them so keep an eye out in your email for the latest.

14: The Cowboy Auction: Pony Up!

The Cowboy Auction, sponsored by United Country Real Estate, is always our most high energy event that will have you grinning from ear to ear! With an open bar leading up to the auction and the amazing team over at United Country Real Estate leading the charge, this event is sure to be a good time. Last year attendees bid on items such as hunting trips, autographed memorabilia, vacation packages, and more! This event helps raise money in conjunction with the Land Education Foundation (LEF) for RLI’s LANDU Education Program. Have an item you would like to donate? We are lassoing in donations now, just complete this quick submission form with your commitment.

15: A DC Update Not To Be Missed

It’s been a wild year for land laws such as WOTUS, the ongoing tariff war, marijuana legalization, and more. RLI’s Government Affairs Liaison to the National Association of REALTORS®, Russell Riggs, will update us on the latest on land laws and news as well as what to expect in the coming year.

16: Companion Trip to Santa Fe

For your plus-ones, take a trip to sunny Santa Fe for a day of shopping, food, and fun! Explore art galleries and boutiques. Finish off the day with a delicious New Mexican meal.

17: Sandia Peak Tramway Attendee Tour

The perfect way to end an amazing conference! Take a ride on the Sandia Peak Aerial Tramway and take in the breathtaking scenery of the Sandia Mountain Range.

18: The NLC19 Event App

You'll have NLC19 -- and all its resources and contacts -- at your fingertips! This helpful app lets you view the full schedule on your phone and build your own custom schedule based on the sessions you don't want to miss. It also features an attendee roster from which you can search and add contacts to your phone, rate and review sessions online, view a floor plan to easily navigate your way between sessions, access speaker materials, and even participate in our NLC19 Game Challenge and win a free night at the NLC20 resort!

The app will be available about one month before NLC19 so keep an eye out for emails announcing its availability.

19: Winners Wanted: Raffles!

Our sponsors will be raffling off incredible prizes that will be raffled off to anyone that stopped by their booth in the exhibit hall during the conference. In the past, these have included a Yeti cooler, leather briefcase, iPad, subscriptions to their services, and more!

The 2019 National Land Conference will be an amazing time to network, learn, and have a great time with great people. Registration opens October 1 -- we hope to see you there!

About the Author: Laura Barker is the Membership and Communications Specialist for the REALTORS® Land Institute. She graduated from Clark University in May 2017 and has been with RLI since October 2017. This will be Laura's first National Land Conference and she can't wait to see what its all about and meet our awesome members.

About the Author: Jessa Friedrich, MBA, is the Marketing Manager for the REALTORS® Land Institute. Jessa has a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Marketing as well as her MBA specializing in Marketing. She has been with RLI since March 2015 leading their marketing, branding, and communications efforts. She is excited for NLC19 to be her fifth National Land Conference she's helped to put on for land pros!

About the Author


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