Get insight on current land trends and issues from experts across the land real estate industry.
Buying or selling land can be confusing and complicated at times. It helps to partner with a land professional. You the client need to be educated about the process, intricacies around land ownership and many other facets surrounding all things LAND. There are many blogs out there that cover these topics and a lot of this information is available to you through blogs. Experts in the field often write blogs where they have an opportunity to share their knowledge…so why not take advantage.
I wanted to mention just a few, I hope you find these helpful.
One of the leading website for rural land searches. Their post are written from many land professionals around the country and contain information you need to know!
A great website full of information. This is the parent company for a great site for searching for land and farms. The content often contains surveys from land professional across the country. Want to get land savy? Read their blog.
Great content from their land agents. The content often covers topics about buying and selling land, transaction process and a wide variety of great information. One of my favorite bloggers is Jonathan Goode.
I had to plug my own blog. With over 35 years of experience in the timber, land management and land brokerage business, I love to share information to help buyers and sellers! My blog is narrowly focused to cover land, real estate and forestry topics!
Kent Morris, ALC is a Registered Forester and Associate Broker who has experience in fields such as timber appraisals, harvesting, thinnings, and timber sales. He writes articles about these fields and more in his blog Land Blog…Get The Dirt!
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