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Is December Really the Worst Month to Sell Land Real Estate?

Many people think December is the worst month for selling land real estate. There is some truth to that: families tend to want to let their kids finish the school year before moving, the holidays mean people will have less free time to tour land real estate properties, and bitter weather might keep potential clients from making the drive out to available properties. Don’t let this assumption make you think that your sales will be at an all-time low this December though. Depending on what type of land real estate you sell, this could actually be one of your best months! Let’s take a look inside the rumor of December being the worst time to sell land real estate and what it means for your business.

The idea that December is the worst month to sell land real estate originally comes from the world of residential real estate. Urban, suburban, and rural residential REALTORS® noticed a sharp drop in sales in December, especially closer to the holidays. These residential REALTORS® accredited this seasonal slowdown to a few different factors: potential clients were waiting until the New Year to make a big purchase, people didn’t want to be constantly showing their house on top of all the holiday stress, and the people that did want to buy a house in December usually had very specific needs. It’s become such a popular saying that many land agents believe it applies to their business as well.

While there are some similarities between land and residential real estate, the two fields have very different needs from their clients. Residential real estate is more focused on the client’s personal connection with the property, while land real estate tends to focus on how profitable the property can be for the client. This is a huge factor into why December can be difficult for residential real estate agents while land agents might not notice any dent in their sales. Instead of being tied to the individual needs of a client, land real estate sales are more impacted by the trends and needs of the market.

The good news for land agents is that if you have an eye on the market or have been in the business for a long time, you’ll already know what your clients want before they do. The need for timberland land rises significantly in autumn, and the sell for big game land real estate goes up as hunting season draws near.

So, is there a best and worst time to sell land real estate? While rural land real estate is less restricted by monthly ups and downs than residential real estate, there are some factors that can impact the sales. There are natural dips and rises due to what the market needs. So, while there are better and worse months for the land real estate market, the difference between them is much less severe than many people think.

If you are still conflicted about selling your land property in December, here are a few surprising benefits to consider:

Less Competition. Since many people believe that December is the worst month to sell, land real estate agents might prefer to dedicate more time to holiday festivities instead of reaching out to new clients. This means there are more potential clients and sales for you!

Making the Drive Can Make The Sale. Bad weather, snow, and ice can tempt many land agents to stay home instead of making the long, difficult drive out to properties. Being willing to drive in rough weather can lead you to a greater pool of clients. Before you hit the road, be sure your car is fitted with the proper tires for rough roads.

The Psychological Appeal of Christmas. What lowers the residential REALTOR®’s sales might actually work to your advantage. With the holidays and New Year’s Eve on their minds, people’s thoughts naturally turn towards the future and their families. People in urban areas can consider moving to the countryside to raise a family, and rural land owners might invest in more land real estate when looking at diversifying their portfolios for the New Year.

There are many factors that play into how successful a month is for selling a property. Success depends more on the needs of your clients than what month it is. If you keep up-to-date on the needs in your community and your market, December can be a great month for you.

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