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The Voices of Land blog

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Archive by category: 1031 ExchangesReturn
RLI members and leaders came together during NAR’s annual Legislative Meetings to discuss current issues impacting landowners and land professionals, including WOTUS, Open Fields, 1031 Exchanges, foreign land investments and the Farm Bill.
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A blog post from REALTORS Land Institute (RLI) with an update on the 1031 like-kind exchange (LKE) from Washington, DC, and its effect on land real estate.
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Internal Revenue Code Section 1031, which allows taxpayers to defer, not eliminate, payment of capital gains and recapture tax on the sale of property, has been in the Federal tax code for the past 100 years. 
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A valuable tool in real estate is the like-kind exchange. This tool could permit non-recognition of a gain for tax purposes, allowing our clients to invest ALL of the proceeds from a sale into a new asset.
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Guest author David S. Fisher of Creative Real Estate Strategies knows how important 1031 Exchanges are for the land industry.
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No one enjoys paying taxes. However, this article will help break down some of the more complex tax rules to make sure you make the most out of your money.
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Landowners are under attack and now it’s from Congress. Congress is actually considering making changes or even revoking 1031 exchanges. What are these people thinking?
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Section 1031 not only permits efficient use of capital to preserve and manage cash flow, it also encourages U.S. businesses to reinvest in their domestic operations, rather than offshoring business activity.
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Tips to help you sell more real estate and keep more of your clients’ hard earned sales proceeds in their pockets and sending less to Washington.
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Debunking a few of myths and quantifying just how important 1031 like-kind exchanges are to a healthy US economy.
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