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This event is currently being hosted on a separate registration page. Click here to be redirected to the appropriate page.

Event Information

ALC Retreat 2024

August 11, 2024 - August 13, 2024


Sunday, August 11, 2024 - Tuesday, August 13, 2024


8:00 AM - 5:00 PM CT

Early Bird Discount Deadline

Friday, July 26, 2024

Registration Deadline

Wednesday, August 14, 2024



ALC Retreat 2024 Event Image

Exclusive Event for ALCs!

Join us for an unforgettable three days in Kansas City:

  1. Network with the best in the business
  2. Learn about income opportunities through ALC Case Studies
  3. Tour 3 major commercial redevelopments in downtown KC
  4. Get new tactics to market the ALC designation from a panel of peers

As we embark on our hours-long walking tour of these exciting commercial redevelopment sites, we want to ensure you have the best experience possible. Please be sure to wear comfortable walking shoes and sunblock, as we'll be covering significant distances on foot during the middle of the day. Your comfort is our priority, and the right footwear will help you enjoy the tour to the fullest.


*On-Site Registrations will not be accepted.

**No Minors Permitted on Tours
Please be advised that our walking tour is designed exclusively for adult participants. Due to the nature of the tour, including the content covered, pace, and environment, minors are not recommended to attend. This policy ensures a safe and enjoyable experience for all attendees. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

Thank you, and we look forward to seeing in KC!

Registration Fees

Guest Registration
Early Standard Late
Late Registration
Early Standard Late
Hotel/Meal Package



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Continuing Education

