Our records indicate that you are an ALC whose membership expired 5 or more years ago. Please contact RLI to re-join.

Membership Application

  • Membership Type
  • Basic Info
  • Contact Info
  • Other Info
  • Totals

Membership Type

Based on your choices, the options you have available are:
Your membership type has been defaulted to your previously selected type:

Basic Info

The name you entered already exists in the database. Are you sure you don't already have an existing account? Check to see if your account is listed below: if not, feel free to proceed.

Add your company above and then click the search button to find your company.

Contact Info

Find a Land Consultant Address
This is the address that will be displayed to the public on our Find a Land Consultant member search tool and will be used to assign you to a default RLI Chapter.
Physical Mailing Address
This is the address we will use to send you mail (new member/new ALC packets, Terra Firma magazine, etc.)
If this is a business address, you must provide a business name for mail delivery.

Other Info

Military Info
File size limit is 28mb
Student Info
File size limit is 28mb
Real Estate Info
Colleagues you recommend as potential new members


Donation Name Amount
Land Education Foundation Donation $25 recommended

No payment required. Total is $0.00.

Payment Options
There is a % surcharge on credit card transactions to cover merchant fees.
Visa Card Icon Master Card Icon American Express Card Icon Discover Card Icon
Billing Information

Terms and Conditions By submitting this form you are authorizing your credit card to be charged for the indicated amount. There are no refunds available. Please see our full terms and conditions page for further details. If you have any questions, please contact Aubrie Kobernus at info@rliland.com or call (800) 441-5263. Thank you for choosing REALTORS Land Institute.

Membership Dues


Application Fee




Membership Add-ons





Chapter Dues






Credit Card Surcharge


