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Land Education Foundation

The REALTORS® Land Institute's Land Education Foundation (LEF) seeks to provide financial scholarship grants for assistance in land-based education opportunities, including the pursuit of the elite ALC Designation through RLI's LANDU® Education Program. Every year, at RLI’s National Land Conference, LEF hosts the Cowboy Auction, its biggest annual fundraiser.

Cowboy Auction 2022

A History of the Land Education Foundation (LEF)

The Land Education Foundation was established in 1982, originally chartered as the Farm and Land Foundation, a not-for-profit organization, exclusively for land educational purposes. LEF began with foresight of RLI members Harry Finkleman, ALC, and Robert C. Meeks, ALC. Over the years, the Foundation has supported various land education efforts for land professionals, including the REALTORS® Land Institute's LANDU® Education Program by funding scholarships for its students and providing funds for revisions and updates to its educational courses.


Under all is the land. Since 1982, the Land Education Foundation has helped numerous land professionals get started in the land real estate industry by providing scholarships to help learn the land. All contributions to LEF are tax-deductible. Donors earn the following distinctions:

Society of 1944 | $100,000 and above
Founders of 1953 | $50,000- 99,999
Benefactors of 1982 | $25,000-49,999
Patrons of 1985 | $10,000-24,999
Supporters of 2002 | $5,000-9,999
Contributors of 2007 | $1,000-4,999
Friends of 2017 | $1 -999

See the history behind each giving level.

Make your tax-deductible donation now!

Plan a donation from your estate

LEF Scholarship Opportunities

Apply for an LEF Scholarship

The Land Education Foundation (LEF) seeks to provide financial scholarship grants for assistance in land-based education opportunities, including the pursuit of the elite Accredited Land Consultant (ALC) Designation. Scholarships of up to $535 are available per person, per year. If you or someone you know might be interested, please download and complete the full scholarship application.

Land Education Foundation Scholarship 


  • Any land real estate professional who intends to pursue the Accredited Land Consultant (ALC) Designation.

Consideration for Selection

  • Membership in RLI
  • Previous scholarships awarded, including any that have expired
  • Required: A letter of recommendation from a current REALTORS Land Institute member


  • Only one scholarship per person per calendar year for a maximum award of $535. Unused funds do not carry over.
  • Scholarships are prohibited from being used for a course that has already been paid for. If you are concerned about course availability, please reach out to RLI's CEO or Education Manager.
  • Scholarship must be used within 12 months from date of approval. Extensions may be requested before the scholarship expires
  • A lifetime maximum of two scholarships per RLI member and one scholarship per RLI non-member


  • All applications must be submitted no later than the 15th of the month prior to the start of a new course.

LEF Scholarship Application

LEF Military Transition Program (MTP) Scholarship


  • Any RLI member who has met the criteria to be considered part of the Military Transition Program (MTP) who intends to pursue the Accredited Land Consultant (ALC) Designation.

Consideration for Selection

  • Membership in RLI
  • Membership in RLI’s Military Transition Program
  • Required: A letter of recommendation from a current REALTORS Land Institute member


  • Only one scholarship per person for a maximum award of $535. Unused funds do not carry over.
  • Scholarships are prohibited from being used for a course that has already been paid for. If you are concerned about course availability, please reach out to RLI's CEO or Education Manager.
  • Scholarship must be used within 12 months from date of approval. Extensions may be requested before the scholarship expires
  • MTP Scholarships are awarded separately from LEF’s Education Scholarships


  • All applications must be submitted no later than the 15th of the month prior to the start of a new course.

MTP Scholarship Application

LEF Board of Trustees

Johnny McAllister, ALC

2024-2025 Chair

Fred Hepler, ALC

Immediate Past Chair

Flo Sayre, ALC


Bob Turner, ALC

2024-2025 Vice-Chair

Eric Andrews, ALC


Tom Smith, ALC


A. Lloyd Thomas, ALC

2024-2025 Secretary/Treasurer

Colter DeVries, ALC


Caleb McDow, ALC


Tucker Wood, ALC


Aubrie Kobernus, MBA, RCE


LEF Donor Recognition

Society of 1944 Founders of 1953 Benefactors of 1982
Ray Brownfield, ALC Flo Sayre, ALC
Bill Eshenbaugh, ALC Bob Turner, ALC

Patrons of 1985 Supporters of 2002 Contributors of 2007 Friends of 2017
Jesse Lane, ALC Richard Bretz AcreValue Pro Karin Adams
Christina Asbury, ALC Joseph Burns, ALC Lesli Akers Trey Allen
RLI Tennessee Chapter RLI Colorado Chapter Pete Alfano Chad Andrus, ALC
George Clift, ALC RLI Western States Chapter Eric Andrews, ALC Karin Arellano
Clift Land Brokers Chad Chism Casey Berley, ALC Valerie Bahm, ALC
Cathy Cole, ALC Patti Davis, ALC Paul Bottari, ALC George Baird
Renee Harvey, ALC Terri Hardee-Romere, ALC Sam Bowers, ALC Sally Ball, ALC
Geoff Hurdle, ALC Randy Hertz, ALC Mac Boyd, ALC Jody Barbour Network Ryan Hostetler, ALC Steve Bruere John Henry Barthelemy
Joe Michaletz Dan Kevorkian, ALC Andrew Bryan Courtney Bassi, ALC
Daniel Murphy, ALC Tyler McConnell, ALC Chip Bubela, ALC David Belden, ALC
Frank Roberts, ALC Clayton Pilgrim, ALC RLI Carolinas Chapter Bobby Bennett, ALC
Dean P. Saunders, ALC Tom Smith, ALC RLI Georgia Chapter BidWrangler
Brian Utecht, ALC Sheldon Snyder, ALC RLI Iowa Chapter Steve Bilicek, ALC
Chuck Wingert, ALC Lloyd Thomas, ALC RLI Oklahoma Chapter Joe Blackburn, ALC
Megan Turnipseed, ALC RLI Texas Chapter Darrell and Julia Boren
Tucker Wood, ALC Jimmie Dean Coffey, ALC Janet Branton
Matthew Conser, ALC Linda Brier
Dan Crocker, ALC Bill Burruss, ALC
Ben Crosby, ALC Alex Butler
Rick Doak Steve Butler
Clint Flowers, ALC Karen Calarco
Wendy Forthun, ALC Dusty Calderon
Cheryl Fowlkes Rod Canterbury, ALC
Tommy Funk RLI Alabama Chapter
Greg and Rachel Ganzkow RLI Kansas Chapter
Mike Garrett, ALC RLI Missouri Chapter
Ted Glaub, ALC RLI Mississippi Chapter
Mark Goodwin, ALC RLI Upper Midwest Chapter
Glenda Hall, ALC RLI Wyoming Chapter
Kyle Hansen, ALC Melissa Clark
Jacob Hart, ALC Craig Conlee
Dan Hatfield, ALC Mindy Costanzo
David Hitchcock, ALC Beth Cristina, ALC
Jon Hjelm, ALC Jay Culler, ALC
Donald Hlava Thomas Damon, ALC
Kurt Hollenberg, ALC Cynthia Daughtrey
Brittany Hurdle, ALC Charles Davis, ALC
Terri Jensen, ALC Matt Davis, ALC
Lisa Johnson, ALC Bill Davis, ALC
Wendy Johnson, ALC Stephen J B Davis
Mike Jones Colter DeVries, ALC
Ivan Judd James Dolezalek, ALC
Samuel Kain, ALC Dean Eshelman
Tracy Kasper Andy Flack, ALC
Lynda Keever Eric Frickle, ALC
Timothy Kellogg, ALC Angie Gallaher
Joel King, ALC and Kim King Terry Garmon
Brandon Kneupper Jeff Garrett
LandHub Virgil George, ALC
Courtney Liddle Gary Giles, ALC
David Light Greg Good, ALC
Reese Lovell Jonathan Goode, ALC
Rusty Lowe, ALC Andrea Goodhart
Fletcher Majors, ALC Matthew Gruetzner, ALC
Carter Malloy Max Hansen
Michael Matre, ALC David Hanson
Johnny McAllister, ALC Larry Harb
Karen McCartin Foster, ALC George Harvey
Roger Miller Ted Harvey, ALC
Kasey Mock Walter Hatchett, ALC
Robb Nelson Richard Havens
Norma Nisbet, ALC Trevor Hawkins
Justin Osborn, ALC Roger Hayworth, ALC
Rodney Osterloh, ALC Richard Hefley, ALC
Kathleen Owen, ALC Roger Heller, ALC
Lorie Pastore Doug Hensely
Sean Paul Fred Hepler, ALC
Peoples Company Tracie Hicks, ALC
Dan Perez Jeffrey Hignight, ALC
Jan Ringeling, ALC Kimberly Hill, ALC
Cameron Roth Jacob Hobson
Ryan Sampson, ALC Jan Hope
David Schnitzer Michael Horstman, ALC
Jimmy Settle, ALC Tom Howard, ALC
Jim Shivers Valerie Howard, ALC
Danny Smith, ALC Gary Hubbell, ALC
Jeramy Stephens, ALC Darrell S. Hylen, ALC
Winnie Stortzum, ALC and Jay Stortzum Jennifer Janet, ALC
Shelly Stoyell Dennis Johnson
J. Michael Strahan, ALC Bill Jordan
Minor Taylor, ALC Patrick Karst, ALC
Raborn Taylor III, ALC Adam Knewtson, ALC
TerraStride Mark Knight, ALC
Richard Thompson Thomas Krajewski, ALC
Pamela Walters Zurick Labrier, ALC
David Whitaker, ALC Jerrett Lamb
Mark Williams Land ID
Luke Worrell, ALC and Allison Worrell
Angeliina Lawson
Jason Lestina, ALC
Trent Lister, ALC
Kathy Loew
Kaki Lybbert
Carl Manchaca
Shannon Mathisen
Kevin May
Venus McBride, ALC
Clay McCullar, ALC
Caleb McDow, ALC
Lizzie McGann, ALC
Caresse McGee
Dick Meade
Brian Meece, ALC
David Milton, ALC
Lisa Moden, ALC
Shana Morgan, ALC
Joel Morris, ALC
Jake Murphy, ALC
Jennifer Mussato
NAR Commercial
Net Lease Capital Advisors
Jess Nighswonger
Terry Pauling, ALC
Jason Pavlovic
Stuart Peterson
David J Pope
Leigh Ann Richards
Koby Rickertsen, ALC
Seth Roberts
Deitra Robertson, ALC
Todd Robertson
Brandon Rogillio, ALC
Brian Rose
Philip Ross, ALC
Kim Roulias
Rural 1st
Lani Rust
Dennis Saffell, ALC
Trent Saunders, ALC
Eric Schlutz, ALC
John Schultz 
Chia Schwartz
Dominic Serna
William Sheridan, ALC
Chris Smith, ALC
Spencer Smith, ALC
Bob Sorey
Doyle Spencer, ALC
John Stratman
Grant Taylor
Rick Taylor
Texas Land Brokers Alliance
Cassie Thomas
Maggie Thomas
TJ Thompson
Kevin Tolbert, ALC
Clark Tompkins
Craig Townsend, ALC
Dawn Truax
Eric Turpen
Barrett Upchurch, ALC
Michael Vance
Jim Vidamour, ALC
Brett Videon
Lar Voss, ALC
Henry and Lisa Walker
Kitty Wallace
Mark Walz
Dan Ward, ALC
Robert Warmbir, ALC
Chris Weaver, ALC
Cody Weeks, ALC
Susie Westbrook
Craig Wetterlund, ALC
Kirk Wieh, ALC
Jim Wirth, ALC